1. Dictionary of Indian philosophical concepts
Author: By B.D. Singh
Library: Library of the Faculty of Theology and Islamic Sciences of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: philosophy- India
Classification :

2. Integrated Approach to Environmental Data Management Systems
Author: edited by Nilgun B. Harmancioglu, M. Necdet Alpaslan, Sevinc D. Ozkul, Vijay P. Singh.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer science.,Environmental management.,Environmental sciences.,Geography.,Hydraulic engineering.,Information Systems.

3. Water Quality Monitoring Network Design
Author: by Nilgun B. Harmancioglu, Okan Fistikoglu, Sevinc D. Ozkul, Vijay P. Singh, M. Necdet Alpaslan.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer Communication Networks.,Environmental management.,Environmental sciences.,Hydraulic engineering.,Information storage and retrieval systems.,Pollution.